Monday, February 18, 2019
Government Essay -- American Government, Check and Balance
Th Untd Stts of Amrc s lbrl dmocrtc country, nd th bsc lmnts of dmocrcy (mjorty rul, govrnmnt by populr consnt, on prson on vot, nd compttv lctons, to nm fw) r rvrd. In ths lbrl dmocrtc country, crtn cor vlus hv prsstd snc Amrcs nominateng. Th Amrcn crd strsss such vlus s ndvdulty, lbrty, unty, slf-govrnmnt, dvrsty nd qulty.Dmocrcy n Amrc hs bn prctcd n prmuttons of succssv complxty for nrly 400 yrs. It hs dvncd from ts orgns wthn prtculr frmwork of countrvlng conomc, politiciantcl, nd socl forcs tht przd ndvduls nd thr dsr for lf n pursut of thr own ntrsts. It should com s no surprs th orgnl prncpls srv s th foundton for th dmocrcy n th Untd Stts of th 21st cntury. So, to undrstnd dmocrcy tody, t s ncssry to rcll nd nlyz th orgns, crcumstnc, nd prncpls from whch Amrcn cvl socty ros on th North Amrcn contnnt.Although th wll-known hstorn Rchrd Hofstdtr offrd n nfluntl crtcsm of th Amrcn poltcl trdton s much mor nuncd n th dvlopmnt of U.S. conomc, poltcl, nd socl structurs by th ntons mportnt ldrs nd poltcl fgurs, th trdton offrs usful lns through whch to undrstnd th roots of dmocrcy n ths country. For on, th trdton ssgns to ts publc nd prvt nsttutons, busnss ctvty, nd th ntur nd structur of our fmls n mportnt rol n prsrvng th lbrty to ccumult wlth. An mportnt mchnsm to stmult nd prsrv ths lbrty s th tnson btwn govrnmnt, busnss, Nonpr... ... xstd nd prsstd n th Untd Stts, lthough thy hv nvr domntd Amrcn poltcl thought. Howvr, lck of poltcl domnton dos non mn tht ths dologs hv not hd n ffct on Amrcn poltcl thought.Th Amrcn prty systm s two-prty domntd systm, nd ths mns tht only two poltcl prts hv rl chnc of domntng thr th Hous of Rprsnttvs or th Snt, or of hvng thr nomn lctd prsdnt. Excpt for brf prod known s th Er of Good Flng (182024), thr hv lwys bn two domnnt prts n Amrc, lthough t hs not lwys bn th sm two prts. Snc th Cvl Wr, prty poltcs n Amrc hv bn domntd by th Dmocrts nd th Rpublcns (nd lthough ths two prts hv prsstd, thy hv both ltrd n thr dologs).
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