Saturday, March 9, 2019
Materialism vs. Simple Living
The definition of physicalism is not furthest-fetched from the word material, from which it was derived. Materialism apparently means the quest for possessions. round would readily c completely it acquisition of goods. It is a term encoding a emotional state style born in a continuous confide to acquire goods of this world with possibly an residual result of deriving satisfaction. just whatsoever leave argue that gentle mans gentlemanity needs both(prenominal) rudi workforcetary things in demeanor, conversely, what has been an imprecise issue is, what these humans needs are. This has generated a lot of argument both in the distant and recent past. However, an symmetricalness has been arrived at that humans needs are basically Food, harbor and Clothing. Virtually all schools of thought have given assent to these ternion basic needs, scarcely the question yet unanswered is, will life be bearable with just these three things?Apparently, anybody attempting the above ques tion will answer with a salvo no, for the idea of human without cars, wide awake phones, computers etc is a painful conception itself not to mention human often live it. At this juncture, we lavnot but subscribe to the materialist doctrine, for all logical human know that these material things do not only make our chance(a) lives easy, they virtually make our existence possible and a reality.Following a logical trend, few would disagree with the fact that too a great deal of many another(prenominal) humans habit is bad. Like a medical desexualize will rightly explain that too much smoking is wild to health, psychologists would claim that a child being exposed to too much film full of violence is wrong, consequently, it will not be far away from truth to claim that too much desire for materials things is wrong. later on all, these things we claim give satisfaction to us are short termed, that can be referred to as timed satisfaction, such as things that do not stand the tes t of time after a longing for them.It is simply ephemeral (short live). Taking a philosophical flight, one would realize that human can be considerably happy with little or few material things. Imagine the sheer pleasure of sitting under a tree in a nearby park on an primal morning before sunrise, with the natural bliss of early singing birds wake all the blossoming flowers. This priceless experience could be unparallel to any acquisition of all the wealth in the world. Arent the best things of life free?Living a materialistic existence is a customary passion to quench thirst for unnecessary luxuries that probable in the end bring pain to human. Imagine the expense of maintaining tax on a garage of cars of different models and brands. The lifestyle could be stalld on some objective and subjective reasons. For example, a quest for comfort at all time backs up the need to get equipped with different excogitate of expensive automobiles even though it is certain that more than one cannot be in use at the same time. Some will quite submit that materialistic existence is more than ninety percent base on psychologically reasons that may be unfit to hearing. Many kind of remain silence at such a question astir(predicate) the necessity of getting those materials.We are dust, and to dust we shall return This was an aged verdict of the creator of men. Who sees us occupying space for only a calculated time period of time. With a strong holding on this believe, majority of the people who consciously live a simple lifestyle attached reasons to this. Others who are cognise to live a simple lifestyle really do not have a genuine excuse other than the financial position to maintain the pace of materialism without wearing out in the lane, but several surveys have proved them the happiest people. We also have the busy ones who do not care about other things beyond a hotshot purpose of contributing to their generation. Scientists are categorized in this class.They exp eriment radical discoveries all and derive joy solely in their works, which they consider as the only relevant essence for living in this world. These categories have been the ones that contributed by and large to the world. Their discoveries generate all the expensive gadgets the materialists seek with famish. Personally, I believe almost of material things human acquire are not only meant to make full their needs but to either impress or entice this or that person, vanity to borrow a word from the bible. Many have asleep(p) bankrupt trying to maintain the exotic lifestyle of the society they chose to conk out to. Many cases of suicide have been traced to this source.However, between materialism and simple living the thin line separating the two can be difficult to crossing out, after all, no human can claim he or she does not enjoy the pleasure of the good things. Today, even the so called men of God are known to have all the material wellbeing this life could offer, what they renounce is an excessive lust for these things which they claim leads to evil. Summarily, since it has been proven that man cannot do without some material needs and that too much lust after material these things is uncalled for, it will be a logical cultivation to claim that human should pursue their need with moderacy, by limiting their hunting to their basic need of existence.ReferencesLinda Breen Pierce , Choosing Simplicity Real People conclusion Peace and Fulfillment in a Complex World . The Gallagher Press.Dr. slam C. Whybrow American Mania, Neuroscientist When More Is Not Enough (W.W. Norton), 2005.Mark Brandenburg MA, CPCC, Secrets of Emotionally quick Fathers, n.d.
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